St Albans Museum + Gallery & Ye Olde Fighting Cocks, Hertfordshire Wedding Photographer – Kate & Gary

September 10, 2019 | Weddings

Kate and Gary were married on the first of many sticky days this summer, at St Albans Museum + Gallery, in the old town hall, in Hertfordshire.

Kate has been writing about her wedding on her blog. You should go check it out. It’s such a great read and so interesting for me. While I love getting to know my couples before the wedding (and Kate and Gary were no exception - we met up at Ye Olde Fighting Cocks for a good drink and chat about why this location meant so much to them), we'd need a whole lot of pub trips for me to really know the meaning of every song, carefully planned word and person at the wedding. So it's been the best getting to read more about Kate's experience of the day.

Like this little quote from Kate's blog about the morning preparations:

"Eventually, I was ready and could ‘make an entrance’ into the main room. I’m not sure whose idea it was but all the bridesmaids were lined up waiting as I came in. They all picked their own dresses and this was the first time I’d seen them all together in them. They all looked so gorgeous and my vision of them all in different dresses but the same colour was even better than I imagined. It was also the first time they’d seen me in my dress and I think the photo below of their excited expressions is one of my favourites from the whole day. I really am so lucky to have such wonderful friends."

Kate, A Belly Full of Words

It's so funny because...erm...that was my idea! Kate had a lot of bridesmaids. While I love to let things just happen, I figured I'd never get them all in one photo without a wee bit of organising, so before Kate made her entrance, I asked them all to line up. And then pretend like it was a totally natural thing. Obviously.

The other thing I've really loved about reading her blogs is that I've got a little insight into which photos mean something to her. As a wedding photographer, I hunt out the laughter, the tears, the comedic moments and the insights into people's relationships. But, I never know which ones are really going to speak to a couple and which ones they're going to treasure. Looking at Kate's blog, she has dedicated a whole post to the walk between the ceremony and reception. That's not even a ten minute walk. And when I was editing, I considered chucking some of those photos away - maybe Kate and Gary didn't need about fifteen photos of them walking through St Albans centre on a bustling Saturday. But, then I thought - yes, they totally do need that many photos of them walking to the pub. I was right.

I was super excited about this wedding. For starters I love a St Albans wedding. This is my home and I like knowing that behind the doors of buildings I walk past everyday exciting things are happening.

Also, I get weirdly excited about mismatched bridesmaid dresses. And these ones did not disappoint - nine very different bridesmaids, all rocking the blue but in vastly different styles. And perfectly colour co-ordinated with the wallpaper in the Airbnb where they got ready. Yes.

The town hall has recently been refurbished into the St Albans Museum + Gallery. I was very excited to see it. My only memory of it is that my Year 11 Prom was there and I skipped it to go to Glastonbury. Yep, I was a pretty great 16 year old (it's all been downhill since I stopped going to Glastonbury really). It is so beautiful in there. Those high high ceilings and big windows are a photographers dream.

Kate and Gary's ceremony was full of laughter. There's this moment when the couple get to meet at the front of the room and all that nervous energy that the room was buzzing with moments before, melts away and it's replaced with pure joy and excitement. You only need to look at their faces to see that.

After some drinks and group shots in the town hall, it was on to Ye Olde Fighting Cocks. It's the oldest pub in Britain everyone. St Albans claim to fame, whoop. And we all know I love a pub wedding. The walk there involved weaving between market stalls, applause from onlookers and a market trader trying to get Kate to take a free donut...dripping with brightly coloured icing ready to melt all over her. Kate resisted. She is a stronger woman than me. Speaking of tempting food, we did also have to pass an ice cream van on our way through the park, several guests broke away to buy ice creams and I enviously looked on, regretting wearing all black on the hottest day of the year (seriously, Hannah?!).

There started a delicious barbecue, drinks, speeches that had me chuckling even though I got none of the references, and an amazing band. Oh and a lot of cheese. A whole table of cheese in fact. Kate and Gary love cheese.

It was the best day. Thank you so much to Kate and Gary for sharing their laughter and cheese fest with me. Mega congrats you two, both on tying the knot and the new house (even if it has meant leaving St Albans)!

St Albans Town Hall Wedding
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + Gallery Wedding Photographer
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St Albans Museum + GalleryWedding Photographer
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Fighting Cocks St Albans Wedding Photographer
Fighting Cocks St Albans Wedding Photographer
Fighting Cocks St Albans Wedding Photographer
Fighting Cocks St Albans Wedding Photographer

Nice people (the credits)

Photography: Hannah Mia Photography (me!)

Ceremony venue: St Albans Museum + Gallery

Reception venue: Ye Olde Fighting Cocks

Hair & make-up: Charlotte Jay

Flowers: Flower box

Band: Katie Plus Juan

Kate's blog: A Belly Full of Words

Want someone who is clearly mega emotionally invested in her town to cover your St Albans wedding? Hit me up here.




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